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INX International Ink



DESIGNING FOR METAL decorating requires true representation of color, and color standards printed on paper just don’t cut it. The INX Color Catalog is the industry’s first true color standard for beverage can design printed directly on metal. Brand owners, designers and metal decorators can select, communicate and approve color efficiently, reducing lead times and getting labels to market quicker. The proprietary INX numbering system includes 600+ removable metal color swatches and access to the same INX colors via the INX Digital Color Library available in today’s design programs.

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Branding with Ferocity – Thinking Like an Indie Brand

Get a better understanding on how to leverage new technologies to engage and delight shoppers, sustainability’s role in product and package design – being sustainable and premium are not mutually exclusive, plus best practices and tips for collaboration and how to launch new products and refresh existing product line-ups and brands.

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