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Beauty & Cosmetics

Kristals Cosmetics celebrates one year anniversary




 An innovative, luxury beauty brand is celebrating its one year anniversary. The brand, Kristals Cosmetics was introduced to the market last winter, launching 40 products across 11 gem lines.

“With over 15 years’ experience in the skin care industry and several manufactured brands, we’re familiar with our target audience and product lines. This enables us to premiere the full line from the beginning to meet the demands of our customer base,” explains Tziyona Cohen, vice president of Kristals Cosmetics. “The concept for Kristals had been in development for 2 years prior to the launch to perfect our formulas and perform consumer testing, ensuring optimal results.”

Last November, the brand added three new products to their collection of Diamond and Ruby lines—Diamond Anti-Gravity Spark Eye Mask, Diamond Anti-Gravity Spark Mask and Ruby Super Wrinkle Kit.

The brand is looking to open a flagship U.S. store in a prime location within the year. They’re currently in Panama City, Panama.

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